Month: January 2014

The Seller Client

I will not make sales. I'll clients. I'm going to target the heart of my client. Never its portfolio. My client is the lifeblood of my business. Although I can sell my customers what they want, I will offer what they need and improve their lives. Courtesy and Service are the cornerstones of my relationship with my client.

I'll see complaints as opportunities. . . opportunities to create customers for life. The quality of my products and how to treat my customers determine the level of my success. My prosperity comes from "growing" people. My best advertising is my product, and customer service behind it. Making money without making friends is not business.

I will guide my business with the perfect blend of heart and mind. I will do my brand integrity. After all, it is the integrity of all I have and all that will be remembered? I will compete only against myself as the only true measure is against myself. It is OK to fail. In fact, it is often a prerequisite for success. My reputation is everything – my ego, anything. Each misery unfairly earned fortune is a debt you owe. No matter the fame or fortune to follow me, my values, my family and friends must remain at the core of my being. Best of trust and respect me, to be materially rich. Better than being a dolphin swimming with sharks, a shark. (You can download an mp3 of The Seller's Creed here: and Rick Beneteau Rick is co-creator of the gap make every day the Big Day program. Read the powerful, life-changing testimonials and discover how this revolutionary product can change drastically their lives too!

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The aged one has that to be supported by the family, the society and the State. The aged one, although bigger vulnerability, still has potential to contribute of some form with the society. Data of IBGE, 2000 esteem that up to 2025, Brazil will be the sixth country of the world with the biggest number of aged people. From there the alert one, to the Brazilian government, for the necessity of if creating, fastest possible, social politics that prepare the society for this reality. The Constitution of 1988, however, left clear the concern and attention that must be excused to the subject, when placed in its text the question of the aged one, art.229 and 230. It was the initial kick for the definition of National politics of the Aged one, that it traced the rights of this public and the lines of sectorial action. The Federal Constitution is clear in its art.196, when it affirms that ‘ ‘ THE HEALTH IS RIGHT OF ALL AND TO HAVE OF THE ESTADO’ , guaranteeing by means of social and economic politics that aim at to the reduction of the risk of illnesses and other agravos and to the universal and igualitrio access to the actions and services for its promotion, protection and recovery. Defined for the World-wide Organization of Sade (OMS) as complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not only the illness absence, the health is the well most important one of any human being..

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Jose Gomez

In some of the books that you’ve recommended, these points are treated more carefully. Mental concentration: this is another of those actions that you should include. If only you dedicases every day, 10 minutes to the concentration, you incrementarias your power mental, which means that you improve the fertility of your mental Garden, and each new action and idea, will germinate more forcefully. For 5 or 10 days, pay special attention to your daily routine, and tries to write down in your notebook for work at what time you wake up? What is the first thing you do when you wake up, and the second, third, etc.? What do you do when you get to your work? And when you finish work, what do you do? And when you arrive at home, things that you do until you go to bed? and on weekends or days of rest, what you do? In what invest time? It identifies what bad habits you away from what you want. What routines, habits or ways of doing things in this list, you could substitute by some actions of excellence that we saw. To the extent that you evolve mentally, will also evolve your goals and objectives, both in quantity and in quality, and is ENORMOUSLY GRATIFYING to see how they change the sensations that you experience at the read something and you realise that now that you have small means that you’ve grown. In 200 X (the year that is) I, Jose Gomez (your name) have a higher net income to $31,000.

My monthly income exceeds $2,600 and before 15 March (set date, that is measurable), I changed my car (truck) by the model (with details). In addition, on August 20, I’ll go 10 days vacation with my family to (define place). Commitment tomorrow will be a new day, a new and unlimited possibilities flooded and I’m going to take advantage. Tomorrow I will enjoy every second as if it were the last and will give my best. I will rise without thinking to 04: 00 A.M. (or the time you’ve chosen) and I’ll get underway. Tomorrow will be a great day.

And above all, I pledge myself, in that morning ejecutare with excellence all actions of my daily routine, without expecting anything in return. Simply the EJECUTARe with excellence and I will enjoy making it. Enjoy your change process and tries to open eyes to the immense possibilities that today are hiding before thee. From here you can download the presentation: original author and source of the article

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A savings bank is a financial institution or section of a bank where he deposits money to generate interest, in other words the savings used to make the collection of deposits or savings and then are given an interest rate. These savings can be public or private destination, purpose or non-profit. What people look for in a savings bank is to continue making savings in a safe place but equally this money continues to generate, in this case generates what is interest, so who has a savings bank may have provided of a capital can be withdrawn partially or permanently. This savings guarantees and requires the receipt of money from the bank and enabling a customer at any time of money. Although there are some forms of savings in requiring that the deposit is left intact for a certain period, usually short-, also is established from the start of the contract as soon as you receive interest on funds deposited, another form of cash of savings is one in which money is deposited and can not withdraw all the money until a certain period, but allowed a periodic payment of funds deposited in the account. Usually the savings bank has no special regulations, so financial institutions can implement this service in the manner they deem most appropriate, in order to obtain a greater volume of capital, which is why the banking market can be found different types or models of savings banks operating in different ways, with different content but always following a rhythm or similar structure.

To access this service banks offer their customers deposit forms for your information there, during half-documented and evidence of the prospect's personal information, apart from information which is required to the customer, are the conditions the contract after it has completed the processed film was going to make in initial deposit, from which comes the bank-client relationship. From this moment client can perform different operations in savings, and make deposits or withdraw funds, the bank also takes certain percentages of the total funds of the savings attributable to the costs for administering the account. The bank periodically send a report on the evolution of the savings, the timing of the report provided for in the contract or form, "The termination of the contract can be given by the will of the client to withdraw all funds, the bank will , which is required to file a notice in advance either the client or by the completion of a term. As you can detail the savings is a great tool to have saved the money safe and without ceasing to generate profits.

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Managerial Position

It affirms to have worked 20 years in the Castle passing for you vary functions until arriving at the manager position. It worked per many years as administrator who was the person in charge to fiscalize the work of the employees and that it gave to order the ninety people giving a machete for each one of them to cut the sugar cane. Mr. Julio cites some administrators who had worked there also: Z de a Cruz, Pink Sundays, Its Dezinho, Joo of Ana, Laudino Joo, Francisco Agrio and Peter Cardoso. It also says to have existed two types of sugar produced in the device, the crystal and mascavo. It comments that the farm Castle was one manufactures because used much people and the plantation of the sugar cane was done of six and six months, being six for the plantation and six for the harvest. As the farm was very great planted the eyes of different sugar cane in months, with this, would have a harvest every year.

Julio Conrado remembers that when the plant started to function they had come many people of the hinterland of Sergipe to work in the Castle and the village of Luzia Saint badly had streets and the ones that had the road age of land and did not exist stone pavement and the remain of the village was taken for the plantation of the sugar cane. I deal it of the village grows a little, therefore, the money that if paid was little more gave divides to pay them and existed some commercial houses at that time and when it was day of Saturday it was difficult the circulation of people inside of bodegas because they were always full. The fair in the sunday went until the six of the night and nowadays it is a sadness to see that the fair starts five of the morning and finishes nine of the morning and badly has tents, being that before it was an enormous fair and it had of everything to vender, Its Julio attributes one of the reasons it fair old to have much people was because of the Device Castle that used many people of the city and that they passed having dinheirinho for making purchases.

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