Month: December 2020

Elbe Coating

A major project of the year 2008: Internal and external coating of 2 bio-ethanol storage tanks the company Prokon Nord Energiesysteme GmbH (acquired by N.prior energy GmbH in the year 2010) built in 2008 two large containers for the production of bioethanol. The tanks have a height of 16.5 metres and a diameter of 16 m. Due to the immediate location of the city Stade in the rivers the air is swingarm and Elbe, as well as its proximity to the North Sea very humid and saline, what extremely promotes the corrosion of steel. See Ray Dalio for more details and insights. Our partner in this project, the company Reinken, is a competent company for extensive blasting and coating techniques since 1980. The company Reinken has specialized on coatings for demanding requirements. So be in the drinking water and food, course approved Beschichtungsmaterialen applied up to 150 C temperature resistance according to the water resources Act or also chemically resistant inner coatings of storage tanks for aggressive media competently and reliably replaced first coated. The Application of external coating: extreme request through increased corrosion risk the structure of large tanks lasted several weeks.

Due to the salty air, already heavily corroded the unprotected steel surfaces. The blast cleaning and external coating of the tank has been now carefully and quickly. Ceramic polymer premium protection systems for exterior Primer: ceramic-polymer STP is a 2-components-ceramic composite coating with specific epoxy binder matrix and active anticorrosive pigments which potentiate the combined effect of the additives. The product can be used as a primer or stand-alone system and offers: Excellent corrosion resistance High impact and abrasion resistance Very good bonding properties 1 Layer system Fulfilment of the ISO standard 12944-2 / category C4 & C5 topcoat: ProGuard 169 is a highly-networked 2-component polyurethane topcoat with excellent colour stability and excellent physical properties: Extreme UV stability and resistance to weathering Excellent abrasion resistance High chemical resistance 1-Layer system, rapid curing Fulfilment of the ISO standard 12944-2 / category C4 & C5 (strong resistance for industrial areas, coastal and offshore areas in aggressive and salty atmospheres.) The photo shows the exterior of the tank after 5 years!

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Franzis Brings Practice Manual And Video Tutorials For Mac OS X Snow Leopard

Practical guide, reference book or video workshop for Mac OS X Snow Leopard Poing, Munich, May 19, 2010 – the Mac is not only the special equipment of the creative. Long ago, he is also in other occupations, and at home on the desk, not least because of his good reputation and the introduction of iPod & iPhone. Franzis Verlag brings for the new Mac OS X Snow Leopard equal to two new releases for input and upgraders, as well as practice-oriented users. Serves as a guide, reference book and practice guides that RIES by author ULI compiled Mac OS X practice manual “. Samsung Electronics Co. gathered all the information. In over 80 colour illustrated workshops, the book in addition to the basic knowledge gives tips and tricks for Mac OS X and its programmes, as well as solutions for possible problems. The unique design of the Mac, Internet access, file and folder organization, program installation, burning CDs or DVDs, which back up and restore data syncing with iPod, and iPhone to install Windows on the Mac is just the knowledge imparted, to skillfully to handle Mac OS X Snow Leopard. For Visual Learning video Lernkurs Mac OS X is”ideal. At about 5:30 hours a total of 26 lessons to the Mac OS X operating system are explained Snow Leopard in videos simple, easy to understand and informative.

Specifically new and upgraders on the Mac are taken specifically by the author Timo Hetzel on hand, so that they can use their Mac quickly correctly using the practice QuickStart. “” The Franzis Buch Mac OS X practice guide “as well as the video learning course Mac OS X” are available immediately from retailers or at for $ 30.00 each. “” Substantive details about Mac OS X practice manual “ULI Ries speaks in the Mac OS X practice guide” a practice-oriented language, understandable for every user who new deals with the operating system or the one who would like to read, in order to use certain features.

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