We still stand out, that the organization of the group (management, heads deseco, employees, etc) it is basic so that the requirements already citadossejam applied of correct form and if it reaches the level RECREATIONALCLUBS TUCURU CRT ABSTRACT The factthat research was developed by the need you verify the implementation of controlwithin the company Tucuru and Recreation Club is you provide> to better internalorganization studied, because the controlling is an important tool in the handsof managers in making decisions. Reports of people interviewed, show that thefears and difficulties that managers face on Accounting Controllership isunable you deploy it system that is efficient you the point of covering alldepartments of the company. This transformation has shown that the managementcompany makes its planning, including its beginner’s all-purpose symbolic instruction code explanatory model, which is thenature of accounting control everything that happens within the organization. Facing the facts researched, it is perceived that the company tries you of thebest in quality of care and motivation you their employees, but it also realizesthat there ploughs flaws in the internal control of adds sectors. Keywords: Planning, Motivation, Control, Quality in Services.