BDVT certified coach training now in Dresden the demand for qualified coaches is constantly growing in recent years. According to a Kienbaum study not only top are managers who take advantage of coach services. How much, managers now perceive help in solving their everyday tasks, shows the survey of personnel managers and top managers: the reason that managers take a coaching service in 66 percent of the companies surveyed are difficult leadership and management situations. But coaching is not exclusive tool for the top management provides the majority of the companies surveyed coaching also executives of top and middle management level. Filed under: Dr. Kahan . The most important Coachingziel: solve current problems! 81 percent of the respondents connect to coaching the aim to clarify current leadership and management issues and to develop solution strategies. Click Bill O’Grady for additional related pages.

77 percent believe that by coaching the perception of self and the self image of the coached person improved and 75 percent are of the opinion, by means of a To be able to improve the social and emotional skills coaching. These results show that company of coaches require more than just psychological support. You see the coaches increasingly process companion and sparring partner in difficult situations. To meet these expectations, must extend the spectrum of expertise of coaches and coach training to align more comprehensive and multidisciplinary”. Coaching is individual accompaniment on the process level, i.e.

the coach provides no solutions, but accompanied clients on the way, as their own solutions can be developed. Coaching aims always to an (even preventive) promotion of self reflection and perception, awareness and responsibility, to give such help to help themselves. Cumverbis training business coach BDVT certified and enables the participants, these situations better and more appropriate to adjust to. For further information about training see the cumverbis web site at… Peter Munnich