Much of ' ' empoamento' ' of the liquidity in the banks currently, it finds support technician in a theory that comes gaining force between the economic thinkers: the theory of the anti-symmetrical information. The evil that comes acometendo bankers of everybody is the reduction of its appetite for decurrent risk of the difficulty to find information enough that they can separate good and bad payers. In function of its present time, this article if considers to present the Theory of the Anti-symmetrical Information, identifying the problems that can be followed in different markets, due to difference of existing information enters two related parts in a economic transaction. In the economic theory in a general way it is assumed that the economic agents are cliente of all the characteristics of the goods and services that are acquired. However, frequently the markets are marked by the presence of asymmetry of information, that is, it is impossible to an individual to determine the quality of a good before the same being acquired or similar, very custoso form to monitor the behavior of an agent. As Stiglitz (2000) the recognition that (i) the information is imperfect, (II) that the information attainment can be custosa, (III) that the assimetrias of information are important, (IV) that the extension of this asymmetry is affected by the actions of the firms and of the individuals, had a deep implication in economic science and has supplied concrete explanations social and economic phenomena that of another form would be more difficult to be understood.
Stiglitz still argues that the economy of the information has direct and indirectly a deep effect in as if thinks economy nowadays. For Stiglitz the main change with the economy of the information was the recognition of that the information was basically different of others ' ' commodities' '. For it the central question is as to appropriate the returns of the investment in information and knowledge.