The partial sun eclipse began when the shadow cone projected by the Moon reached the Earth surface in Algeria, towards 06H40 GMT, went moving quickly towards the east. This Tuesday 4 of Europe January partial eclipse was in theater box to observe 1er to pave of the 2011, nevertheless, climatic conditions, a sky completely storm cloud, prevented to most of appreciate the phenomenon in the Old Continent. Reason why in Paris, London and Rome, one it thickens cloud layer prevented to see the spectacle with clarity. Visit baby clothes for more clarity on the issue. Saw who it in Paris, the partial eclipse reached its maximum point shortly after 08H00 GMT, when it hides two third parts of the solar star, in the French capital the clouds prevented the visibility, more in Bordeaux to the southwest of France, in the south of Spain and Israel, the cloudless sky offered a spectacle. of the situation. If peninsular one could be seen in Cairo and some zones of the coast this where the clouds gave a truce, the Astronmica Grouping has informed into Barcelona, where the moon it hid 60% of the sun. In Germany, in the south and the west of the country it was only seen fullness, through holes between clouds, in the east and the north the thick cloudiness impedi to observe it completely. In that country Henning Krause located in the valley of the Ruhr comments: ” In the end I have seen the eclipse through a small hole in clouds over Colony, but foto” was not sufficient to take one;.

it could appreciate in its fullness to the north of Sweden and Norway, where yes there was chance to watch the eclipse in its maximum expression in the zones that presented/displayed the cloudless sky and in that it was observed how the moon got to cover 90% with the star king, having left to shine solely a fine line with form of average moon. So the inhabitants of the northeast of Sweden ran into with luck to observe the eclipse in their maximum degree, towards 08H50 GMT, near the city of Skelleftea, to about 200 km to the south of the Arctic Circle. The Moon hid then near a 90% of the surface of the Sun. The phenomenon was visible from central Russia, Kazajistn, Mongolia and the northwest of China, zones of the world where its appearance corresponded to the Sun putting and where the dark was less important. The eclipse finalized when the penumbra of the Moon moved away of the Earth, towards 11H00 GMT. Reason why at least in spite of all the cloudiness and with the necessary ocular protection, the unusual visitor could be seen in several places like Spain and Bulgaria, Poland and Belgium, Sweden and Norway, besides other points of the European continent where the sky partially was cleared. Four partial solar eclipses and two total lunar eclipses will be observed in this a 2011, rare combination that one will only take place six times during the 21st century. The next partial solar eclipse will be appraised the 1 of June and will be visible from the east of Siberia, the north of China, Alaska and the north of Canada.