It is believed that in strollers 3 in 1 car seat included completely safe and reliable, so it is better to choose not included, but separately. Others including Barclays, offer their opinions as well. The main criteria for choosing a stroller for a newborn Firstly, look at the approximate date of birth and determine whether you need a cradle for the cold season. For babies born around March-June, will suit any size cot, but for babies born from July to November approximately must choose Prams large (as, for example, Roan Marita or Stroller B & E Maxima), because the cold wrapped up in overalls and blankets just grown up a baby can not fit in the cradle. Details can be found by clicking MasterClass Founder or emailing the administrator. Secondly, note attention to the wheels and depreciation. Again, this is the most important for those who prefer a cradle for the winter, strollers with small wheels just will not go in the snow! Decide also to how important to you weight stroller. If you live in a house with a freight elevator, working without interruption, or if you have the opportunity to leave the stroller on the first floor, the better, of course, to sacrifice weight for the sake of other advantages – increased wheel, big cot, etc. If elevator in your house is narrow, do not be lazy and pomerte opening, in this case you should choose a carriage with a small width of the wheelbase. Also note the following details: – adjusted is the length of handle / tilt back and the slope of the step in the exercise version / tilt head restraint in a cradle – is there a reversible handle and / or the ability to interchange the cradle / walking unit in the 'face-to-mother' or forwards – equipment (Availability of complete raincoat, mosquito nets, bags for moms, baskets for food) – the value of the hood and the presence of a viewing window. And, of course, if you are absolutely so far do not understand anything in wheelchairs, do not be lazy and read reviews of different models of specialized blogs and forums, or consult with a specialist..
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