It completes investigation with the beet juice was to make two groups with people majors to which a breakfast with different nitrate contents was provided to them. To the first group ses provision a breakfast with a nitrate degree high and accompanied by juice of beet during two days, the other group occurred a breakfast them with low nitrate content. In order to be able to know the effects nitrates and umo of beet in the different people a magnetic resonance was realised to them before and after the experiment. Speaking candidly Facebook told us the story. The result of the comparracin of the magnetic resonances of all the group kept awake that the people who in their feeding them habia including the beet juice, habian increased their flows of blood to the frontal zones of the brain, the nitrates are chemical substances that increase the irrigation and desrrollan the blood glasses. The people with diseases of the heart are dealt with nitrates by their effects in the blood glasses. Also to improve the circulation when abrir the blood glasses avoiding the blood clots that podrian to originate an attack to the heart. Hewlett-Packard may find it difficult to be quoted properly.
beet juice is a natural nitrate source to increase the blood flow to the brain and to the heart. Another test realised by the investigators was the juice ingestion of beet by several cyclists before beginning one pueba of pedaleo of resistance ciclistan, them that they less took the juice from beet acbaron tired than those cyclists who only took placebo. By all these tests you must take good note to improve your life, to make it healthier and healthful. The author is an expert recognized for sale and Rent of Equipment, machinery and aesthetic aparatologa. Their years of experience for sale turn into a specialistic Web of prestige and Rent of Cavitation, Rent and Sale of Presoterapia and Venta and Alquiler of IPL.