The adolescent one starts to have a relation with the compromised body, therefore the inherent unreliability to would histeria places in check the legitimacy of the ticket to the woman condition, especially because the mother is common to continue to see the children adolescent as children and to treat them as such. The look of the mother finishes for bringing intense discomfort and the refusal to the food reflects the refusal to the familiar dynamics that if tries to impose. As food and affection if permeiam in the unconscious one, that one if becomes efficient instrument of repudiation the position materna. The anorxica patient costuma to present you say of the type nothing has favour in my life, therefore nothing it is everything that it considers itself to receive, is everything who it has, become this nothing one object with which it interacts in all the segments of its life, also in the sexual sphere, therefore it starts to occupy with priority status in the libidinal economy of the citizen. Special care must have the analyst when verbalizar for the patient its diagnosis. The certainty of being anorxica can place it num place stanches to emascarar its particular relation with its symptom. It is exactly to break dessaparticularidade that if must investigate the relation of the anorxica with its desire. It is common to hear of the patients engaged in the treatment you say of the type ' ' I very wanted to feel desire, but not sinto' ' , what he is perfectly understandable, since it stole itself of its desires, he forbade themselves to have pleasure and he enjoys essentially in the lack, as is inherent to the histrica. What more it worries the analyst, in the case of the histrica anorexy, is that this lack surpasses the affection desire, therefore the patient acts in the body, in a self-destruction process.