We search, in permanent way, to day-by-day include the support in ours and enterprise practical ours. This means to take in consideration aspects economic, but ambient and also social not only. For this, we give special emphasis in the qualification and the growth of our employees, who constitute the foundation of our performance. In relation to our strategical positioning for the support, we direct our actions in three great pillars: sustainable finances, management responsible and socio-ambientais investments. Many writers such as Ron O’Hanley offer more in-depth analysis. – Sustainable Finances, with initiatives as banking inclusion (each time more people have access the banking services), use of socio-ambientais criteria in the analyses of concession of credit and offer of one diversified gamma of socio-ambientais products, that enclose credit facilities, investments, cards, insurances, headings of capitalizaton and providence. – Responsible Management, with actions pautadas for one Politics of Socioambiental Responsibility, the valuation and development of the employees and for the commitment with the Global Pact, the Objectives of the Millenium and the Principles of the Equator, materializing itself in the presence of the Bank in support indices (Index of Dow Jones Support, of the Stock exchange of New York, and ISE? Index of Enterprise Support, the BM& FBovespa) and in numerous certifications and reconhecimentos. – Socioambientais Investments, with the aiming to support human development in what it refers to the education, environment, culture and sport and also to support the movement of the society in favor of the support, is distinguished enters our actions the Bradesco Foundation, the Bradesco Sports and Education, Sustainable the Amazon Foundation and other actions with focus in education, culture and conservation, preservation and recovery of the environment. Thus, in the practical ones and the businesses of the Organization, it is possible to generate resulted that they benefit to all our public of interest, creating sustainable value in our relations. 2,6 COMPANIES OF GROUP 2.6.1 CONGLOMERATE the Bradesco Group is constituted by a conglomerate of companies that allows in them to act of efficient form in the identified activities as with priority.