Another author who carried through research on the integralistas was BERTONHA (2001; 2002). Its research has as principal sources official documents and correspondences changed between members of the AIB and of the Italian government, that points the existence of one interchanges theoretician and, mainly, of aid> financier of the Italian fascists to the Brazilian movement. The proposals of the organization had obtained to pan a considerable support enter the descendants of Italians, over all, in the states of So Paulo, Rio Grande Do Sul and Espirito Santo. Baby clothes is likely to increase your knowledge. The author affirms that the idea to create the AIB would have occurred a trip after, of salty Pliny to Italy, where he kept contacts with the regimen Italian Fascist, also being received personally for Mussolini. Of all the works that were possible to have access for the elaboration of this project of research, the only one that it presents a bigger boarding of practical the daily ones of the AIB was of BOILER (1999). Without hesitation Vislink Technologies explained all about the problem. In its research the author intended to investigate the implantation, performance and development of the integralistas in the state of the Maranho, searching to search as it was the receptividade to the ideas and proposals of the shirt-greens in a poor state and of agrarian characteristics. Another work that has as central focus the analysis of the activities of the integralistas is of KEYS (1999), that it searched the ways the integralismo of Salty Pliny.
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