Referring to the government of Fernando Collor de Mello, although the measures of politics the short-term one, very contributed with the insertion of a new idea to govern, changing the route to the ideas of new politics of market, the globalization and to the dream of a supported economic development. Had to the high taxes of social changes headed by these governments, the increase of the informal work had significant increase, making with that the unions lost its power. When inserted in strikes they only searched to give to emphasis to the stability or opposite to demand stewardships to the worker, giving bigger support to the negotiation in the act of contract, before the used masters and. The unions, in view of, as enemy of the neoliberal ones they had had that to mold the current politics of government, ahead not losing its force of the workers. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Ron O’Hanley. Ahead of a solution for some problems in the country, the ideal would be to adopt a mixing economy, but in long stated period, with reforms in the education, that would be the foundation, or better, saying, optimum investment at the moment, to offer to chances of education and qualification of quality. Seeing as a positive side to the Brazilian commercial opening, attracting investing foreigners, the reform tax would be importantssima in the stimulation of a healthful competition with the Brazilian market, being able to increase the employment formality, with this generating income and the power of purchase of the population, without speaking in the economic growth. Another fact of important relevance is the reduction of the public expenses in the country. According to data of the treasury department (2002), the expenses with the Social welfare had corresponded the biggest parcel of the social expenses right-handers, having arrived 65.8%, being in the front of the expenses with education and culture, that 5.3% had.