The beetles, order animal that includes among others in beetles and fireflies and also covers one quarter of all animals, account with harmful families in libraries and archives, such as the Woodworm, some insects of rough body and off coloration that can partially digest the cellulose and are attracted by the fungi that can play the role. Fungi and gases unfortunately, bugs are not the only living beings who destroy books. Many more tiny, bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms are another of the scourges to combat. This is the case of the files of the Filmoteca Espanola, where various common bacteria are deteriorating the color of movies and threaten their destruction. Gelatin films emulsion is a mixture of proteins obtained from animal collagen, making it a natural food of many bacteria and fungi that produce some tremendous damage, explained Alfonso el Amo de, head of research of the Filmoteca Espanola.To prevent deterioration, this Agency launched since four years a project in collaboration with the Institute of science and technology of polymers of the CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas) and the Department of Microbiology III of the Complutense University of Madrid, also funded by Fotofilm, greater Laboratory revealed film from Spain. The scientific team, led by Professor of the CSIC Fernando Catalina research, has found up to 14 strains different from bacteria, common in our mucous membranes and harmless to humans, of which 7 are fed the gelatin used in film rolls. As these agencies develop better in wet environments, the problem is more important in files located in coastal areas, such as the CGAI de A Coruna or the Filmoteca Vasca in San Sebastian, and in particular in the regional film libraries of Barcelona, Valencia and the Canary Islands, with temperatures that often exceed 30 degrees and a humidity above 60%.
On the other hand, gases and particles also contribute to the deterioration of the collections of libraries and archives. Gaseous pollutants – especially sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, peroxides and ozone – causing the formation of acid paper and leather. Likewise, emissions from automobiles and industries from the outside, and smoke cigarettes, soot, photocopy machines, certain types of materials of construction, paints, sealants, cleaning agents, etc., from the inside are sources of pollution of human origin that constitute another potential hazard. Compiled by. Javier Mejia T.