In this direction, this work was constructed by the professors: VANESSA OF SOUSA Permitted in Pedagogia ZENAIDE LOPES – Permitted in Pedagogia Having as base the theoretical recital of the scientific boardings and the object of study of the psicopedagogia, had as the difficulty of learning and its respective causes, this report comes to investigate and to analyze the causes of the difficulties of learning of pupil E.T.O of 1 year in the Pertaining to school Unit Gervasio Oliveira, in the city of Captain Gervasio Oliveira /PI; with intention to carry through institucional the Psicopedaggico diagnosis to trace the probable guiding and, for one adequate and efficient treatment. In search of the understanding of the characteristics of the learning of the human being, we consider ourselves to investigate the questions that the citizen hinders to learn, presenting learning difficulties, which much interests in them as professors and psicopedagogos. Ours to see, the pertaining to school performance is alone the tip of iceberg. In the reality, it signals that something does not go there very well. But thus nor always it says readily where is the root of the problem. It can be in the proper child or young, the parents, the educators, or the lack of perception of both, to attempt against even though to the real necessities of the citizen investigated at that moment or in uncurling of a learning problem. Practical the traditional professor and manager, still, perpetuate accenting impediments of the learning, that is, difficulties to be taught what, can be in the physical space of the school, in the form as they organize themselves in practical pedagogical the inadequate one in numerous classrooms, with 40 or more pupils for room rotation of disabled professors to offer an attendance personalized for each pupil. Factors these that much distanciam daily reality of the general objectives of the public education.
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