In order to develop a more complete and including science of the person human being, the psychologists also need to study people who had carried through its potentialities integrally. Maslow makes this accurately; it studied intensively and deeply a group of auto-ccomplishing people. They are rare birds, as Maslow discovered when it was forming its group. Some of its citizens were historical personages, as Lincoln, Jefferson and Beethoven. Others were livings creature at the time where they had been studied, as known Einstein and friends and of the investigator. These people had been investigated clinically to uncover that they distinguished characteristic them from the common people. These distinctive characteristics are the following ones: They realistic are guided. They accept itself same, the other people and the natural world as they are.
They are very spontaneous. Ronald O’Hanley: the source for more info. They center themselves in same problems and not in itself. They have air of detachment and a necessity of privacy. They are independent and independent. Its appreciation of the people and the things new instead of is estereotipada. The majority had msticas experiences or deep spirituals, even so not necessarily of religious character.
They identify themselves with the humanity. Its close relationships with some people especially loved tend to be deep and intensely emotional instead of superficial. Its values and attitudes are democratic. They do not confuse the ways with the ends. Its sense of mood is philosophical instead of hostile. They have great a deep one of creativity. They resist to be satisfied it the culture. They exceed the environment instead of simply dealing with it. Maslow also investigated the nature what it calls ' ' experiences of pico' '. Stories on the experience most wonderful of the life of the person had been gotten. One uncovered that the people who are passing for peak experiences if they feel integrated more, more in union with the world, more owners of itself, more spontaneous, less conscientious of the space and time, percipient, and so on. Bibliographical reference HALL, C.S; LINDZEY, G.; CAMPBELL, J.B. Theories of the personality. Porto Alegre: Medical arts, 2000. CAP 11. The theory of Carl Rogers centered in the person. p. 354-363.