Main fa ade Dominica of the Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan. The state of Yucatan and the region as a whole had prospered over the last years of the nineteenth century mainly thanks aa henequen industry, although based on the exploitation of indigenous Mayans. The situation that was experienced boom allowed the city of M rida had electric lighting and streetcars before Mexico City. In the early twentieth century, Merida had the largest number of millionaires per capita than anywhere else in Latin America. To date, the Paseo de Montejo Avenue inspired by the Parisian boulevards, is full of luxurious houses of the period. This was while the people inside the state of Yucatan and much of the population was so strict.In 1922 the state government came through the Socialist Party of Felipe Carrillo Puerto Suereste first socialist governor in America, but managed to stay in power 20 months when he was overthrown in 1924 and together with three of his brothers shot, taking advantage of the rebellion of Adolfo de la Huerta. During the administration of Carrillo Puerto, the hero of the proletariat called Yucatec, is able to introduce reforms to reduce indigenous exploitation. It also created the Southeast University, a direct antecedent of the Autonomous University of Yucatan. On 3 August 1937, L zaro C rdenas came to Yucatan in order to implement agrarian reform in the state. His visit that would last 23 days would result in the expropriation of the henequen haciendas in order to transform into suburbs.On 30 December 1961, officially announces the creation of Cordemex, Roper parastatal company for several decades, industrialized production of thousands of peasants henequen henequen. Until the mid-twentieth century, the contact he had in his capacity Yucatan peninsula, almost island with the rest of Mexico was by sea. Trade with the United States and Cuba, as with Europe and other Caribbean islands were more significant than with Mexico. In the 30s it had contact through air seaplanes taking off from the bog of the Port of Progreso, bound for Havana, Cuba and Florida in the United States in the decade following the inauguration of the airport terminal could link with the City of Mexico, then through Mexicana Airlines.It was in 1950 when Yucatan was joined by rail to the rest of the country and even so, with incompatible railways as from southern Veracruz to the peninsula still prevailed a few years the system of narrow gauge to broad gauge unlike that existed Veracruz to the highlands. Then, until the 80’s, would eventually join the road with the plateau now the Yucatan Peninsula, Yucatan still maintains a very different culture to the OECS rest of Mexico, with a population characterized by firmly maintaining local traditions.