Casein protein is regarded as the best night time protein and muscle growth and recovery supports casein in the bedroom is one of many sources of protein (protein source). Is casein from the milk, thereby obtained in the production of cheese. For athletes in the areas of fitness and weight training, the source of this protein has a very special effect and is extremely popular. Casein protein has the property to be very slowly absorbed by the body. This “time release effect called in the jargon” ensures that important amino acids from the casein protein get delayed in the bloodstream.
Amino acids are tiny protein building blocks that are used to build muscle, muscle maintenance and regeneration of the body. Virtually no life would be possible without amino acids. The man knows 22 amino acids, 7 of which are essential, so vital. Amino acids are absorbed through the diet. The body itself can make some of the non-essential Aminosaruren.
Important suppliers in the food are dairy products, meat, fish and Eggs. This animal amino acids are considered valuable for the human organism as a vegetable amino acids. The value at the so-called biological value, indicating how well the body can convert the protein from food in own protein is measured. Casein protein has a high value with many essential amino acids such as L-glutamine and the BCAA’s that are particularly important to build muscle and to support the recovery. Since casein is digested very slowly, this protein source is like before going to bed used. So the body can use protein the amino acids of the casein during night time for construction and Reperaturprozesse of the body cells. Casein protein but not only has the advantage, that it slowly absorbed by the body, but it is also ideal during a diet or weight loss. Because the satiating effect of casein slows down some cravings attack on candy. Casein is a protein shake particularly tasty and creamy. Some athletes even claim that they better wake up by a protein shake from casein during which can sleep night better and quieter and the next morning. Casein is obtained from the milk, this source of protein but not for people with a lactose allergy is suitable, because the lactose values are likely to be too high. Before one starts with a dietary supplement, you should get green light just in case by the doctor.