During years we live regimes absolutists in Brazil where the representative of the people was only one person, or member of an only group politician, was thus since the discovery and if it repeats now in the present time where we live one ‘ ‘ pseudo democracia’ ‘ , democracy in which a group politician which through the plan of the re-election if keeps in the power, using itself of the administrative machine to reelect or to choose its successor. Here if it does not intend to establish right or wrong, only one parameter enters the existing advances in the form politics of the states, where only the modification of a name makes them to believe that we change the regimen which we were accustomed, what it had of concrete was the change of the Institution that if finds the front of the POWER, old was the military power, through the forces of the Generals and its armies, currently are the political parties and the group of bencheses, either it governmetalist or opposition, we live yes under the yoke of the power of only a man or in this new conjuncture ‘ ‘ mulher’ ‘. Searching the origin etimolgica of the word, we will see that as many others its origin come of the Latin, where she was written dictatura. The origin of the word enters and its application in the current days, exists a great difference. In old Rome, it meant a regimen of exception, extraordinary, situations of crises, as well as it occurs or it can come to occur in the cases of intervention in some State or City of Brazil, where it is delegated a person to be able limited the situation to lead the place for it are of the crisis, transformed its acts into LAW. However, its powers went until the limit of the Constitution, which continued sovereign, without it could be revoked or be moved by ‘ ‘ ditador’ ‘..