A phrase carried through for the same informing ' ' it is that literature does not have to be strabalhada in its function ldica' '. Affirming this it is possible to perceive to queapesar of oprofessor to know asfunes of literature, it does not obtain to mensurar its representation. Martins (2006.p.85) goes to make the following rank: He is necessary that the school extends more suasatividades, aiming at the literature reading as playful activity of construoe reconstitution of directions. … the professor would have to collate the pupil eats diversity of readings of the literary text, so that educating recognizes sensible queo not this in the text, but is constructed by the readers in interaction comos texts. Naverdade does not advance the professor if to accomodate ahead of the competition of the meioseletrnicos, of computer science and any other technological inventions. Dentroda classroom the space belongs to it, therefore the aresponsabilidade the same fits to always create strategies that despertem the attention of the pupil.
These must always be renewed since in the mesmice the professor loses it alunosem this to need to leave of the room. Ensinar a challenge that it demands to it well more than what an academic formation; the educator um perpetual student why he has a necessity of both the parts (of it and pupil deseu), that it if prepares, if brings up to date. The literary theory would be of grandeauxilio, but the reading of literary compositions will be able to awake in the prprioprofessor a new position. CONSIDERAESFINAIS a research with this would fococontribuiria in equal value the two parts: one to the researcher that in a next contatoto with object, given the nature of the research, got a huge experience; another one for the institution where if 2 secondary school of Acara. Although the sample> not to be so ample to erepresentar only the context of a school, we can verify that muitospontos related in this study if they make gift in the behavior of literaturacomo disciplines, for the investigated professionals.