Summary: It is common to find us thinking that the reality we live "is how it is" preventing us envision any possibility of change. This article will help you "see" new possibilities for what your scope will be expanded even more. The problem is that this discomfort and dissatisfaction recursively self-esteem plays like a broken record and little by little we lose our personal power, to feel dull, and lifeless. This is not the mood or the life I want for you. Today I want to help break this negative discourse expanding your mind to create new possibilities, but to create new and better possibilities in your life you must first learn to see, because if you do not see … how can you be convinced that it is possible And if you did not think possible, how can you have a predisposition to action to finally enjoy the results? What I mean by chance? I was searching in: I searched the word "possibility" and took these two definitions whose meanings I want to be fixed in your mind: 1. f.

Ability, power or opportunity to be or be something. 2. f. Ability or authority to do or not do something. My aim then is to help you generate in you that power, that "the power to do something." If you see it first in your mind, you will find a way to manifest your reality and finally "be" that you want to be "doing." I want you to generate new patterns in your mind and eyes of possibility …