In the collection of data the reader must itself be informed who with the research gets itself given that they need stops to answer to the problem in question. The data can be dealt with quantitative form when it is used of statistical procedures, that is, to measure the frequency of the investigated phenomenon, or the data can be qualitative, codifying them and presenting them of structuralized form more (VERGARA, 2004). Others including Southwest Airlines, offer their opinions as well. The research is characterized for being quantitative, in accordance with Staw (1977) ' ' the quantitative research is appropriate to evaluate great changes in organizaes.' ' for this fact we choose this way of analysis for the Mint, for being an organization of great transport where our study will be carried through. 4.1.2 Treatment of the data For being a quantitative research will be made questionnaires with closed questions where the questions are standardized, can be applied without interaction, consume little time and facilitates the systematization of the data. Closed questions in agreement Roesch (2009) are used only in the quantitative research and present strong points and weak, it has the advantage of fulfilling and fast analysis and disadvantage that many times the gotten data are of superficial character.

The project in its depth does not need questions opened for its inquiry, therefore the impact of the motivation in the choice of the direct answers without interaction necessity will be analyzed, the opposite would cause more time of comment. 5 RESULT AND ANALYSIS OF the DATA to follow we will present the results of the research of field carried through with 63 trainees of the Mint of Brazil located in the Industrial District of Santa Cruz? Rio De Janeiro. The gotten analysis affirms that, the majority of the interviewed ones is composed 70% of women and 30% of men with age between 20 and 30 years. About 80% of trainees they are in the etria band between 20 and 24 years, 15% between 25 and 27 years and 5% above of 28 years.