Of this form, for it, the future does not exist, in way that does not obtain to exceed, is estagnado in one ' ' edge slida' ' , contemplating the transcendncia of the father. Its isolation of the world does not have liberating value the same that it had its father. Its third edge starts to be the souvenir of what it was: ' ' Shot for me, that, in what wanted, and in what it did not want, with to our only found me father: subject that played stops backwards mine pensamentos.' '. Exactly in the day where it had chance to change of place with the father, to occupy the place of the old one in canoinha, it lacked courage to it. Courage at last to exceed, to become Real what until then it is thoughts, investigations and memory. The fear of the release and made it to the stranger to withdraw, remaining itself in its lost solid reality and in thoughts of what it would have been.
it says: ' ' I am what it was not, what goes to be calado' '. The pardon order is, possibly, for the repentance of what it did not have courage of being: nor productive man, assuming its place in the society, nor man I free, as its father was. Although without courage of if delivering to the stranger, the narrator it knows that its place he was in the deepenings of the river, would only find fullness there, therefore it says: ' ' I know that now it is late, and fear to shorten with the life, in the evennesses of mundo.' ' (grifo ours). therefore asks for that, when dying, they deposit it in one canoinha they launch and it, river below, river measures, river adentro. CONCLUSIONS With the reading of the story of Pink Guimares can be perceived that the malleability found in the water served as conducting for the self-knowledge of the personages. The river became local ideal for the transcendncia of the father of the narrator, place this where it could contemplate its existence and its facts, having as company the solitude and silence.
Leaving itself to lead for the vagareza of the current water to know the deepening of its proper existence makes with that the son dedicates the life to contemplate the attitude of the father, but without courage enough to exceed. Its search is restricted to the past, the reasons of the father and what proper it could have been. But as to be what it is not understood? How to become equal without understanding the model? Had to as many doubts, the son is imprisoned in its ' ' reality slida' ' , without reaching in fact the release offered for the water. PINK BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES, Guimares. First Estrias. Rio De Janeiro: New Border, 1998. BACHELARD, Gaston. The water and the dreams.