Amongst the study we saw that in 1924, for the Declaration of the Rights of the Child if it searchs to defend the interest for well-being of the child, so that to have a happy infancy, to have a learning with joy and its rights they are recognized and assured in the society. He is not only enough to charge of the government, it must make its part, but the parents do not recognize rights of its children. However, treating to the historical process, specifically to Brazil, it is observed that the question of the right of the education still has much to be conquered. Our history was sidewalk for the elite, mainly on one with the agricultural aristocracy, little if mattering with the education. When we saw in the colonial or imperial period, laws that the child enaltecesse to have right the gratuitous education? When in Old republic, the famous colonels, had had concern with the child so that it had protection against any form of recklessness, cruelty and exploration? Obviously we cannot leave to comment that advances had happened, but, still very must be made to accomplish itself universal education as right. In Brazil, in recent years the government invested very in the education, given all the process of globalization and privatization that had happened in the economy, influencing obviously the educational system, however finished strengthening the Brazilian historical trend: to keep poor person public system of education to the poor persons and, to privilege the private system for the rich ones.
This is lamentable. A new form of social exclusion in the education comes more occurring, for the vacant absence, but for the quality of the offered education, that affects to all, not making with that the pupil does not obtain to learn what it is necessary to learn. For what we study – the Sixties of century twenty – the ONU/UNESCO had been mobilized in the fight against the discriminations in the sphere of education, for example, not allowing that the schools separated the pupils for sex; searching to accomplish the freedom to the parents to choose educational establishments that the children desired to study.