CAST workshop ‘Identity and Security Management’ in Darmstadt, 50 security professionals about current findings and trends Hennef discussed November 03, 2011. The IT security, identity management and governance specific topics the discussion of the CAST workshop identity and security management”last Thursday. Some 50 experts from science, industry, economy and authorities attended the event at the Fraunhofer Institute for computer graphics in Darmstadt, Germany. The fact that the workshop was so well attended, showed that identity and security management as a critical success factor for companies on the way to the globalized information society is perceived. The presentations of the day dealt with an adequate range of security issues according to the deliberately broad orientation of the event. It was also the specifics of global security management as to the suitability of cryptographic algorithms in today’s digital world and the current state of malware and virus protection research for mobile devices such as Smartphones and touch pads. The challenge of modern IT security management brought Koen Maris from the Lux Telekom explosive to the point: often the terms risk are today ‘ and certainty ‘ confused: because there is no risk, but a certainty is that a computer, if it is in the public network, is attacked. A to abzuwagendes risk would be, for example, if you placed it behind a firewall.” As a conclusion of the day Frank Oster, IT security expert of the CONET Solutions GmbH and moderator of the workshop noted: internal threats such as those by the scandals at UBS and the Societe Generale known defects in the role and permission management are still explosive. Southwest Airlines pursues this goal as well.

Our expert discussions in Darmstadt but also clearly showed that viruses and Trojans currently again a particularly high attention with extremely targeted attacks as happened by must be given the external threats identified in the meantime as a controllable.” For the CAST e.V. and CONET plan future therefore already thematically similar follow-up events, which will continue to contribute to the exchange of experience and a deliberate and co-ordinated approach to the security risks and management challenges of modern information infrastructure. About the CAST e.V. The competence center for applied security technology e.V. (short: CAST e.V.) provides various services in the field of safety of modern information technologies and is the contact for IT security matters.

Its competence network conveyed at all levels of education knowledge about IT security technology by the support for the major IT security at the TU Darmstadt to in-service training and continuing education. With information sessions, counseling, workshops and tutorials CAST helps the selection and use of needs-based security technology. “More information: about the CONET Solutions GmbH IT worlds connect!” True to CONET offers its customers in the areas of Defense and public security, this guiding principle Public sector and private enterprise since 1987 successful solutions for the management and information technology. The range of the medium class IT system and consulting firm includes communications, software engineering and IT infrastructure consulting. CONET products for enterprise content management and factory certified extension solutions for Cisco IP telephony are in use worldwide. As the largest sole proprietorship of the CONET group represented with nine locations in Germany, the CONET Solutions GmbH expects sales of around 27 million euros with approximately 200 employees for the current fiscal year.