Public relations for new smart TV offer comes from Berlin the British company MT Digital Media Ltd. London committed that Berlin agency PRovoke media for your public relations on the occasion of the market entry of its two smart TV applications woomi and forno. The agency owner Daniel Hopkins and Stefan Semmler will assist with the launch of its innovative smart-TV in the German-speaking countries of Europe offer, such as such as videos from the fields of sports, news, film and music, as well as the world’s largest selection of FSK-18 movies in HD-quality, MT digital media. We hope not for us of Hopkins and his PR team just a successful press work, says Managing Director Matthew Rahman. Another reason for the decision, to PRovoke media, get in the boat was the prospect of creative ideas for PR campaigns and PR events. Here Hopkins and Salinas had already convinced the British in the initial conversation with very good, refreshing and creative ideas, Rahman said. In addition, the binding type have the
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