It has been broken of the estimated one of that maniquesmo cientificista, adopted, over all, for the social scientists in Brazil, has contribudoextremamente so that if only sees in registers it written, the condition sinequa non a research to be considered as scientific. Maniquesmo is pelorompimento of this that ' New Histria' it recognizes the necessity of reavaliaodos criteria used in the epistemolgica analysis of the historical sources. Nessaperspectiva, ' New Histria' , it considers that the historical boarding cannot sercentrada of the point of view closed and directed only toward the calls fontes' oficiais' , considered trustworth, becoming, thus, an unilateral history ede vision micron. Following the trend of ' New Histria' , history to precisaser boarded from some possible sources and under flowing multiple, as: the history of the mentalities, of the forgotten loosers or, daily it, them individual experiences, at last, of all the eplausveis possible angles, therefore, only thus, is breached with the dogmtica and elitist line, defended for the traditional historiografia. It is for a history of visopluralista, based on the multifaceted field of sources, that the historian to devepautar its work. For this, as Le Goff (1993), urges the necessity dese to breach with the History of the monarchic power or the power bourgeois, who durantemuito time primou to write ' ' the papers represented for the elites to dopoder, of the richness or the only culture as being that contavam' ' (p.261). It is in the fan of object boardings new, new enovos problems metodolgicos procedures that history starts to need fontesescritas, you pray and appearances, to penetrate in the essence of truth of the facts.
In this direction, the historian-investigator analyzes, compares and evaluates source comfonte to its reach. It is a work of great breath and demands retoquessucessivos. It can be said that in the search of the reality, the historian uses, constant and deep nummovimento, the sources, looking for to stone its objetoinvestigado, transposing barriers of the apparent reality, in order to reach aessncia of the Real (Gadamer, 1998).