James.AG informed families and insured the Scientific Institute of the PKV (WIP) has found that typical families have no advantage with the so-called family insurance. For a comparison, it turned out that families actually pay more, as they cause during family health costs. Only from 4 children change the numbers to the positive for the family. But the statistical average family has only 1.4 children. The reasons for this are including families in the age-related health-care costs. Also the health-care costs in the first year of life to EUR 4,000 to 5,000 per year amount.
The end of 40 EUR 1,000 to 2,000 per year costs. So create not only children but also adults relatively low health-care costs. Only in old age health costs are rising again, so the limit is exceeded from the mid-60 EUR 3,000, from about 80 years of life that of EUR 5,000. We can say that families Fund with other insured health-care costs. The relief of families with Children are thus so omitted. The study “solidarity in the statutory health insurance: what does the non-contributory family insurance?” deals with an effective relief of the families. Therefore, alone the calculation of contributions in the statutory health insurance is a central problem, because this depends alone on the insurance income as an indicator of economic performance.
How many people depend on this income, however, is not taken into account. Thus, a wealthy single as well as a deserving equal large family equal must pay. Furthermore added that the income survey also depends of the distribution of income in a family. So be required equal to high-earning couples contribute to higher than if a spouse the upper boundary and the other only little or deserve anything incomes above. A tax-funded family support is proposed to solve this problem. It should be defined a subsistence level per person levied on any posts in the statutory health insurance are allowed. It should be above all tax-funded, so that it will not be undiskutablen increases of the rate of contribution in the statutory health insurance. Carlheinz Mikosch