In such a way they must gain the equivalent what they make, having its recesses, an environment favorable to the accomplishment of its tasks, at last, must enjoy of all the benefits that them are of right necessary. Today the professionals represent the intellectual capital of the companies, are intangible resources, that are not never depreciated. We live deeply the constant development of the technologies, and perceive perfectly as the resources if they depreciate so quickly. The maquinrios of a plant, for example, can annually be renewed, for the existence of others with better functions; the computers of an office also can be substituted easily, it is enough that financial resources for this exist, and these machines already become old-fashioned and exceeded. With the human being this occurs of different form.
The people to each day can more, depending on the investment that if makes in each one of them. Who knows to deal with the machines and the new technologies, to each day it will be able to produce more and better. To strengthen the previously boarded ideas, the Consultant in Human Development, Jucimara Cardoso, she speaks inside in interview granted to the Green Canal Gaia on the importance of the paper of the workers of the companies today, standing out the following points: 1.Definio: The Consultant explains the importance of the valuation of the Human Capital in the current days so that the companies can successfully reach the desired results, and says despite the investment in the people and the workers in general, supplying training to them, benefits and a specialized knowledge, is the way certain to be covered. Companies with controlling of exceeded vision exist that enxergam the employees as mere resources and parts of a maquinrio, but are necessary to stand out the new model that is in ascension: companies highly developed, who already had recognized quanta importance have the collaborator to arrive themselves at the desired success, and in such a way the worker are seen in its totality, and the daily fight of both the parts to find the point of ideal relationship is contnua.2.A importance of the practical ones of Management of People: It is not possible to imagine a company, for minor who is, without the Management of People.