Probably, an association of positive factors, the example of the good moment of the Brazilian economy; favorable quotation of the dollar, last month of full benefit of the IPI, new models being launched and the proper industry trying to this way dispose cars that are not having good exit in its native countries, in function of international the financial crisis. These had been some factors that had contributed so that the sales of imported, in September, reached the incredible growth of 25,1%. This sector is so warm that some models have queue, something unimaginable in Brazil in recent years. But, they had not been only the mattered ones that they had had bold performance. The sales of national cars had also registered, in September, the enviable growth of cotejado 21,7% if with the previous month. In the last month with full benefit of the IPI, the sales of national and imported autoveculos they had reached the platform of 308,7 a thousand units, having established new record of sales in Brazil.
The market of autoveculos in Brazil must continue growing. It can until being that some unexpected one affects the performance of the sales. However, it this way has much space for growth of the fleet. Currently, in the country, only one in each six people possess car. In the United States, for example, this tax is below of two, that is, in each four inhabitants three possess car. Moreover, with mega investments to prepare the country for the Pantry of the World, Pantry of the Confederations, Olimpadas etc, the movement with tourism will increase substantially, some landlords will be inaugurated and the ones that already exist will probably go to invest in magnifying of the fleets.
Moreover, new competitors and models of cars will arrive, contributing for the increase of the sales of autoveculos, in the next years, Brazil. But, who still did not change of car and intends to make it, is good for knowing that this still is a good moment, therefore has many tempting promotions. It thinks about this and excellent week. For: Evaldo Coast, Director of the Institute of Alavancando resulted through the management of the quality , As To guarantee Three Extra Sales Per Day and co-author of the Giant book of the Sales