The descriptive method was adopted to demonstrate the orientaes carried through for nurses of UBS and UBSF. To know more about this subject visit Gary Kelly . One is to the study and the description of the characteristics, existing properties or relations in community, group, or searched reality. The descriptive studies, as well as the exploratrios favor in the complete research amplest and, the tasks of the clear formularization of the problem and the hypothesis as solution attempt. The 10 descriptive research is characterized frequently as studies that they look to determine status, future opinions or projections in the gotten answers. Its valuation is based on the premise that the problems can be decided and the practical ones can be improved through description and analysis of objective and direct comments. The techniques used for the attainment of information are sufficiently diverse, being distinguished the questionnaires, the interviews and the comments.
11 the qualitative research was chosen by the necessity to investigate and to understand the speech of the nurses of UBS and UBSF and by the impossibility of mensurao and quantification of the results, and to carry through one analyzes subjective. The qualitative research ahead appears of the impossibility to investigate and to understand by means of statistical data some phenomena directed toward perception, to the intuition and the subjectivity. It is directed for the inquiry of the meanings of the relations human beings, where its action is influenced by the emotions and/or feelings arisen ahead of the situations lived deeply in day-by-day. The 12 qualitative research involves the intensive comment and of long time in a natural environment, the necessary and detailed register of what it happens in the environment, the interpretation and analyzes of data sutilizando descriptions and narratives. They can be etnogrficas, naturalistic, interpretativas, fenomenolgica, research – participant and research of 13 action the research scene had been UBS and UBSF of the sanitary district north and south of the Round city in return (RIO DE JANEIRO) where these units has as professional the general physician, pediatra, nurses, technician and nurse aid, communitarian agents of health, Had constituted as citizens of the research 40 nurses who act in these units. .