International Union of Pure and International Union of Pure and (International Union of Pure and ), IUPAC, has as its members national chemistry societies. It is the recognized authority on the development of standards for naming chemical compounds, through its Committee on Nomenclature and Symbols Interdivisional (Interdivisional Commitee on Nomenclature and Symbols). He is a member of the International Council for Science (ICSU). IUPAC was founded at the end of the second decade of the nineteenth century by chemists from industry and academia. For nearly eight decades, the Union has succeeded in creating global communications in the chemical sciences and uniting IUPAC was founded at the end of the second decade of the nineteenth century by chemists from industry and academia. For nearly eight decades, the Union has succeeded in creating global communications in the chemical sciences and uniting IUPAC was founded at the end of the second decade of the nineteenth century by chemists from industry and academia.For nearly eight decades, the Union has succeeded in creating global communications in the chemical sciences and bringing together scholars, both the chemical industry and the public sector in a common language. IUPAC is recognized for a long time, as the leading world authority in decisions on chemical nomenclature, terminology, standardized methods for measurement, atomic weights and many other vitally important data evaluated. The Union continues to sponsor international meetings that the maximum height of specialized scientific symposia at the meetings with the social impact of CHEMRAWN. During the Cold War, IUPAC became an important instrument for maintaining the technical dialogue between scientists of different nationalities throughout the world.