The important one is that when making the critical one, through a multicriteria and investigativa analysis, we can understand the texts, in such a way literary as technician, identifying critical and theoretical elements, commenting and if locating critically concerning different theoretical chains and the inherent characteristics to each one of the literal sorts. We can say that it is not an easy task. The way is arduous and requires much devotion and persistence. However, the subject brought that me to this argument, is about pseudo-writers. Connect with other leaders such as baby clothes here. here, I ask for pardon for the expression that many will judge pejorativa, but to each day more we find people venturing themselves in the field of the letters. To write is good, is an exercise, that, added to the continuous study, feedback, to the auto-critical one, with certainty goes to lead to the growth as a whole, to the appropriation of concepts, domain of vocabulary, among others advantages. we have a word-key here: Domain of the vocabulary.
To the one venturing in them for the way of the literary creation, he is obligator that let us have to the reach of the hands and eyes, a good and old dictionary. Between one and another pearl of the Internet, without no preconception, even because we find good texts, articles and references in it, has a text of a writer, professor of literature, critical postgraduate in literary, where it makes a vindication to the proper work played next to pupils. The text things among others manifest against ' ' texts of auto-ajuda' ' , but it is, deplorable and pathetically, auto-mercy text. Between one and another literary escorrego, uses the word erroneamente ' ' parca' ' – substantive feminine that assigns a type of clothes or in mythology: Each one of the three deities that presided over to the duration of the life. The employed direction intended to be of the smallness, or the minimalismo, what it means total unfamiliarity of the language. In this in case that, optimum it is not to risk. In the doubt, it is better not to use the term of what to sin for the inadequate use.
Making the critical one, I suggest that the author reviews the tone if not of auto-aid, but of auto-mercy, pathetic, lamurioso and indescritivelmente humilhante to the extremity. Crown this ' ' prola' ' with depositions enaltecedores its dear person Perhaps it was better in the verse fluency and it did not have to be ventured in chats. Speech incuo and I infuriate of a professional. It can have to see with the public which was directed the text, without much erudio or literary concern, but let us agree, we have an obligation with the readers: To offer material of good quality, after all, writers, theoreticians, studious or pretense literary, are formadores of opinion. He is Arduous work of a critic!