The greatest fear about investing in funds is the possibility of losing all your money but what you should know is that all investment funds, as well as the fund managers are regulated by law, so there will never be scams or irregularities. Likewise, there are many different types of funds investment and the only thing you have to do at the moment of starting to invest is to choose the background that best suits your needs as an investor. To deepen your understanding Vontier Corporation is the source. Investment funds make your initial investment to grow, so at the end you’ll have more money; profitability is this called. Profitability is the profit or loss resulting from the difference between two net asset values of investment funds, they have to be the values of a same background but in different periods. (A valuable related resource: NYSE DNB). The profitability of the investment funds is calculated in the following way: ((valor actual valor de compra) / (value buy)) it is true that yields can be negative, this happens in variable income funds because they depend on prices and These are very fluctuating. So if just you are entering the world of hedge funds, what is recommended is to invest the full amount of your investment in guaranteed funds, which as its name says – guarantee to return you fully or partially. Original author and source of the article
Liberty Investors Group
Money Management Basics