If you want to increase your patrimony like a successful investor, the investment funds are the best option for you. Before beginning to invest and choosing your investment fund asegrate to have established your profile of investor. The profile of the investor is personal, for each specific client since needs, conditions and personality. With your profile of investor you will be able to choose the best investment fund or the best combination of investment funds adapted to your characteristics and needs of investment, availability and risk. Once you determine your profile of investor you will be able to define the investment strategy that agrees to you more.
A useful tool to determine your profile of investor before choosing your investment fund is to answer a small questionnaire in which some aspects keys like your present situation and your financial standing, your horizon of investment and needs of liquidity, your tolerance to the risk, the pursuit that you want to give to your portfolio or portfolio to him and the expectations that you have of yield of the investment fund that you choose. There are several profiles of investment that depend on the risk which you assume. Other factors that influence in the definition of the profile like the term of the investment, the patrimonial situation, the preference of liquidity, etc. Anmate to realise the questionnaire to define your profile of investor and to begin to make money already. Original author and source of the article