Here, it was clear that the limit of the mother was reached for him to operate. Under questioning, he could see very well that the mother out of love to him and out of concern about his future, repeatedly energies, um enabled his engine in their Meaning to bring. She was trying to put him to the track for his situation. At the same time, she discussed with me that she goes 14 days vacation and she wants to let him hate alone at home because this thought worries they. She admitted to fear, that he does something, that the situation is slipping away from him, etc. However he had mastered four days very well recently together with the bigger brother, without that the mother was. It was clear that this challenge in an area of responsibility to bring him, he must undertake the, because he wants to stay. She can provide a certain sum him this time, he must come out with the.
She can agree on, under what conditions he may visit in the apartment can receive and when conclusion must be, they expect from him, that he behaves, he keeps the neighborhood in the eye and takes into consideration, etc. She can ask even a friendly neighbors to keep an eye on the situation for entgleitende emergencies. She could here him a small garden with responsibility make available to him to enable that take over responsibility to cherish and maintain. This could be a bridge, in the sense of a success story that he dare to learn to learn, his future, and they are not idle to let. Paths arise while walking. There is no answer in the before into, where the path will lead. Is important to get into a Le bensfluss, the steps allows that to continue.
Everything that has to do with responsibility and trust, is helpful in this case and opens up new perspectives. To force the situation-tion in the own forward imaginary images is not helpful. The young people entrusted to us will refuse. It comes to help, to encourage and to have confidence, to accompany, but then also to leave open. Such open processes can remain long the apparent stagnation, presenting also the young people even unsatisfactory, but we can not speed up. Again and again must be found in the life of us humans a inner suffering, or a strong desire for change build, so that we are pushed forward once again, or can take the initiative. If the whole is then all right, how the whole thing goes out, in advance, no one can know. The initial impetus for the overall responsibility of their own life design can come only from the Interior of the young people themselves. We can help keep the flame of cooking, that he always comes in contact with its development topics, but we do not have the ignition key that helps the last Rucker to do really duty-bound to feel towards themselves. To give also a direction and a form of forward thought the will to live, which wants, then also be realized from the own deeply founded heart’s desire, that can arise only from the own interior. Should young people accompany what educators know 2011 approx.