Still the city for the pupils of the University Center of Belo Horizonte was carried through a visit where the same ones had carried through interviews with inhabitants of the place. ABSTRACT: This articles aims you address treat involving the trade and urbanization of Lavras New district of Ouro Preto, local Based on reports from residents, articles and related sites. Still it was visit you the City by the students of the University local Center of Belo Horizonte where they conducted interviews with residents. 1. INTRODUCTION You cultivate New it is a sub-district of approximately the 22 Ouro Preto and he is situated km of the headquarters of the city and the 120 km of Belo Horizonte, in the Southeastern region of the ferrfero quadrilateral, in the mountain range of same name, the abutment of the Mountain range of the Espinhao, in its south portion. It encloses an approach area of 46 km and its geographic coordinates are: S 20 28.243? W 04331.085.

You cultivate new is a city surrounded of myths and legends with regard to its sprouting and existence. Some say that the city is reminiscncia of quilombo had its space disposal that if is similar with this type of communitarian organization and due to majority of its population to be black. to contradict this thesis on its sprouting, some are used of the argument of that the city was very watched, due to gold extration in the locality, not being possible the formation of quilombos. The myths are many that say to give to origin the city, but the city appeared effectively in the SCXVIII for 1780 return where the dedicated chapel Ours Lady of the pleasures was constructed and had a formed brotherhood. Lately You cultivate New if it has blunted as one of the many strong Brazilian cities in potential for the tourism due its paisagstica beauty and its provincial calm that attracts who wants to run away from the racket of the great cities. This results in a potential source of income for the local population that until then was unprovided of resources and economic sources. Through interviews carried through with inhabitants, she perceives yourself that the presence of the tourism is very well accepted in the city, therefore attracts investments and income, they on the part of the sales of artesanatos are or rent of inns.