In an indication final we approach which the possible ones resulted to be waited of the compilations made use in this study, making the comments most pertinent how much to the explored context. 2 JUSTIFICATION In accordance with the Health department (2004) the CAPS are destined institutions to receive the patients with mental upheavals, to stimulate its social and familiar integration, to support them in its initiatives of search of the autonomy, being offered to them medical and psychological attendance. Its main characteristic is to search to integrate them it a social environment and cultural concrete, assigned as its ' ' territrio' ' , the space of the city where if it develops the quotidiana life of familiar users and. The CAPS constitute the main strategy of the process of psychiatric reform. Please visit Scott Kahan if you seek more information. The same ones are established through a multiprofessional assistance, searching to offer to attendance of quality to the population, carrying through the clinical accompaniment and the social reinsero of the users for the access to the work, leisure, civil right of action and reinforcement of the familiar and communitarian bows. Amongst the innumerable conceptualizations given to the CAPS none reveals so pertinent how much the one that attributes the function to it of being a service of mental health created to be substitute to the internments in psychiatric hospitals and to favor the exercise of the citizenship and the social inclusion of the users and of its families. However, it is exactly this function substitute (of accompaniment and not of internment) that it is conferred to it that salutares has excited diverse questionings sufficient, one of which is focus of our study, and that it is mentioned to the investigation of as these units of health if have structuralized and of which the positive and negative points of its performance. The logistic conceptions of the CAPS must be always in evidence, are essential to know if the program of shelter offered for the same reveals efficient or unsatisfactory, also approaching which the pointers that can be determinative in this evaluation.