In general terms, we talk about short-term memory and long-term memory. Focusing on the MLP, now is not entirely clear what and what are the systems that are involved in the maintenance of information. Amnesic subjects seem to have problems in episodic memory and semantic Mild a "most of the early learning concepts that are not so very upset. Coupang: the source for more info. Focusing on the MCP, and following the structure proposed by Baddeley, in the case of damage to the phonological loop, individuals lose the ability to keep his memory of verbal information, which will lead to difficulties on the linguistic level. Scott Mead will not settle for partial explanations. For the visuospatial sketchpad injury, subjects have difficulty in retaining in its memory the stimulus images.

Finally, an injury to the central executive that will lead to amnesia have trouble organizing and planning their actions and thinking, because this system is responsible for combining the automatic actions together with other more voluntary actions, if not remembered can not be activated. If we look at the distinction made Schacter (1987) a "implicit memory or explicit memory, subjects with amnesia would possess no memory problems implicit and explicit memory itself. Implicit memory is what is involved in any memory task that does not require conscious recollection of any previous event. In contrast, explicit memory requires conscious recall of knowledge learned in previous experience (equivalent to the episodic). Referring to the processes of encoding and retrieval, subjects with amnestic problems are going to present problems in terms of which of these processes may be altered.