Some of the issuers of being a mortgage borrower include the following: Being Careless: When buying an apartment make sure its legal purity. If after two or three years, a happy “living loan” from the apartment to light “rightful owners” – it will not bring you joy. With banks in this If you pay off for an insurer, but the search for an apartment have to start from scratch, but the money invested will not return. Continue to learn more with: Scott Kahan. Doing Interviews at the credit committee: you still will be on clean water. Members the credit committee are experienced and fully aware – that how much in real life.

Do not forget that the restrictions on the share of income allocated to repayment of the loan established banks, often justified. Payments overstated by the amount of credit you can inflict a severe blow to family budgets. Complacency is your confidence that the “warm” relationship with his superiors and family happiness will last forever, can not be justified. If your spouse acts as a co-borrower, prior to making a mortgage loan Apply for a marriage contract, negotiate on shore “- the section of property which is subject to mortgage, rather troublesome procedure. Worth think about how quickly you can find a new job with an acceptable to repay the loan income.

Nor should we hope that you will quickly find an apartment that you are completely satisfied with. Options offered on the mortgage, usually worse than an apartment for real money. Good apartments realtors prefer to sell directly, without engaging in mortgage trouble.