It allows us to understand, equally, that in the conception of sustainable development in the logic of the democratic support, the relation work and environment are not subsumida to the hegemony of the capital, but the categories work and nature articulate in the perspective of magnifying of the quality of life of the populations and overcoming of the inaquality/social exclusion and the socioambiental inaquality. As Mszros (2001) the sustainable development will only be reached with an effective culture of the substantive or material equality (social justice), sending the debate for the structural causes of the socioambiental degradation, that is, the way of capitalist production. 3 CONCLUSION Already is well-known currently enters the companies who the investments in the technology of the information had represented an increase in the productivity of its employees as well as in the reduction of costs, essential elements in a organizacional environment dominated by strict deriving competitiveness of the globalization process. But the search wild for the profit it left relegated as plain the worker and all its necessities as human being. On the other hand, the globalization caused the companies, the necessity to extend the competitiveness with its rivals, on behalf of its proper survival and thus it appears an attention redoubled to the productivity and quality, as well as to the reduction of costs. This context brought a reduction of well-being in the relations of work due to magnifying and intensification of the hours of working, in the eventual resignations, for the reduction of wages and of the social benefits that they reflect in the health of the worker. Fatigues, estresses, ansiedades and a sensation of constant desproteo and unreliability appear, that influence in the emotional and psychological sphere, riots emotional, etc. The agravos to the health caused by the extreme work and an environment of hostile work contribute for a reduction of the quality of life and the labor health. .