The special regimen of collection is a unified form of collection of the following tributes and contributions: IRPJ; IPI; CSLL; COFINS; PIS; ICMS; ISS; INSS, in charge of the legal entity (companies with certain activities must collect the contribution separately). It also offers a treatment differentiated and favored to the MPE’ s. Cloud computing often expresses his thoughts on the topic. 4 Profile of the Micron and Small Brazilian Companies Exactly with all importance that it possesss in our country, the micron and small companies have invested in innovation as they would have, what it has produced resulted significantly negative ahead of the other countries. In accordance with the result of the research made for the SEBRAE through the Technological Institutions: Research of Inovao Tecnolgica (PINTEC), Industrial Research Annual-Company (PIOUS), Annual Research of Services (SHOVELS), Secretariat of Comrcio Exterior (SECEX), Ministry of Science and Tecnologia (MCT), National Institute of Propriedade Industrial (INPI), and, National Association of Promotional Entities of Empreendimentos Inovadores (ANPROTEC), (given of 2005), they had been identified the number of companies, as well as, busy staff in the activities of industry and services that are potential innovators in the country. He was since, of the total of companies.