The same it happened with the Eletrobrs, at the electric energy arrived at the agricultural zone, for to be private the company searchs the profit and the services if they had all expanded fast more for Brazil, before it happened the same with regard to corruption and the government did not have conditions to increase the investments in the sector because of the great frauds. Then beyond needing quality services and the government to have if shown incapable of in supplying the same ones to them, it is not obligation of the government to supply of favour the population telephonic energy and services. What the government has obligation is of in guaranteeing the cited services previously to them already as: health, education, security increased of jobs and worthy wages, thus to be able we arcamos with our proper expenditures and our proper consumptions. These companies before being privatized alone served as hangers of jobs to agasalhar supported of the government what she favored the corruption and the frauds, causing great damages to the public coffers; today these companies pay to millions in taxes to the government, what she reflects in other offered services the society, increasing more offer more of job and demanding a workmanship hand qualified. Another important thing that I want to remember is the question of the valuation of our public institutions, that the necessary government to think seriously about this preventing frauds as they happen frequently in the public competitions, and had happened in the ENEM (National Examination of average education) and in the ENADE (National Examination of performance of students), I remember that before when heard to speak in the news of an agency of the government, if said soon is official is of the government, there the risks of not being the true news or if to deal with frauds they were minimum, in contrast of what it happens currently.
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