Democratic Direction

However, we ask if we are not understanding of errnea form the democracy direction? The shout is a democratic manifestation of groups of people who go the streets to demand violated rights and she does not stop being used as palco of campaign partisan politics, is not this its focus. The question is: exists democracy in this country? In view of the beginning of opinion and liberty of speech it can be hindered that somebody raises its flag politics in a popular public act in the search and claim of rights? We believe and we understand that this fact is one me the interpretation of the democratic right. We are mixing the things and there we are losing the focus and in leaving to be sultry for political parties where the objective is another one. Please visit here if you seek more information. Democracy is the liberty of speech of a people and not of a minority. Ed Bastian often addresses the matter in his writings. Perhaps in this direction let us be as shout of the excluded one far from our focus, has seen that we are today one ‘ ‘ grupinho’ ‘ still we are sultry for others ‘ ‘ grupinhos’ ‘ partisans which the only interest are the campaign politics to arrive itself at the power. More most dangerous and that he can in them take our exoneration while fighters of human and social rights the determined ones broken or to any are the atrelamento another structure of being able that it is not compromised to the collective one. As to live the democratic process where and when if he tries to reveal the free expression in search of social rights, politicians, sustainable, ambient and cultural development economic of an excluded people and where if he places the car in the front of the oxen stifling root cause? It is irresponsible and badly informed of democracy who it thinks that it can raise flag politics in an act as the shout of the excluded ones from day 7 of September? Why then it does not go to raise its partisan flag in the military parade? To if placing the flag politics in an act of fight for social rights, politicians, ambient and cultural they are stifled and hinders the free expression of claim of these rights.

It is not possible to chew the sugar cane and to smoke cachimbo at the same time. It is not possible to celebrate a cult, a eucaristia, to participate of the Wax candle of Nazar and at the same time to raise partisan flags at these moments. We need to have coherence and to understand what it is democracy in fact is that it exists same in a corporativista country. To reflect on the democracy in the contemporaneidade is, without a doubt, a legitimate and indispensable exercise. The expression democracy, throughout the times, was appropriate for different groups and, evidently, it locks up directions, forms, intentions and projects distinct societrios.

In imaginary the popular one, the democracy, usually, is associated with the presence of representative or governing election. However, this is only one formal procedure that, by itself, not express its content. Soon, it appears to the necessity to characterize the term, in case that contrary, can be contributed for the banalizao and the esvaziamento of its meaning. She is necessary to know of that democracy if is speaking, as well as distinguishing between the form, or the procedures, and its content.

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And, finally, given that even with these raised frames it is not enough to give automatic step to collective action, will need the so-called framework of motivation which include arguments, reasons that are going to put into action, thereby justified, and that will be perceived as injustice: in Haiti, gutting you the justificadores reasons to start the revolution. Toussaint box would be the replica to the liberty leading the people: presents a clear leader, there is order, emerges clearly, clear reasons (the symbol of the writing is very graphic and representative), etc. It existed, a rationalization of the movement, with ongoing discussions and requests a ideology and as in the case of France, subsequently joined other types of claims and groups that led after Yes to revolution and consequently that Haiti would be after us, the second country to get their independence. This movement, as opposed to French (mass type Le Bon-piano) and following the definition of Melucci, we could define it as a movement seeking the why. A phenomenon that has three dimensions: solidarity, is immersed in a conflict with opposition from opponents, seeks freedom of the majority of the people and the end of slavery, against the white oppressors. 1 Dupuy, J.P.

(1992) reflections on collective panic. Catastrophe and society seminar. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Ed Bastian. CEISE #p7 2 Friedman, M. (2007) Free to Chose. Scott Meads opinions are not widely known. 3 McCarthy, J.D. and Zald, M.N. (1993) resource mobilization and social movements: a partial theory. Notes of LIC.

Sociology UPNA. 4 Berianin, j. (1993) logic of collective action and social carriers. Notes of LIC. Sociology UPNA. 5 Alonso, J.I. (dir) (2002) universal history. Espasa 6 (1999) dictionary of the history of the countries of the world.

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Captain America

The new Captain America movie provokes his cartoons are very popular again. Bernard Golden has firm opinions on the matter. It was created in the 1940s, when the villainous major who could face was Hitler. After World War II, their stories had to change to engage readers. If a few days ago it was Green Lantern (Green Lantern), now it’s the turn of Captain America. The premiere of this film has led to the publication of several comics about the most Yankee of superheroes, whose classic adventures can now enjoy in the comprehensive volume the living legend. The character was released in 1940 through the Timely editorial, that years later would change its original name by Marvel Comics. The company had grown during the Decade of 1930s thanks to its huge catalogue of pulp magazines, but sales had fallen and a change of direction was imposed. Martin Goodman (owner of Timely) decided to hire Joe Simon, a writer and cartoonist used to team up with another artist named Jack Kirby.

The hiring of Simon also meant the arrival of Kirby, and the work of this team would become fundamental in the trajectory of the editorial, explains Raimon Fonseca, expert in comics, in the prologue of the living legend (Panini). Working on the realization of superhero comics, Simon and Kirby thought often need to imagine great villains. At that time, just when the second world war ravaging Europe, what villain greater than Adolf Hitler himself?, asks the reporter. The creation of a superhero who put in place the nazi dictator was imposed, and could not be other than Captain America. It was a character of nature patriotic, capable of synthesizing the values of freedom and symbolize the struggle of democracy against fascism, says Fonseca. The idea thrilled Martin Goodman, who decided to give his collection to the Sentinel of liberty, an unusual decision and the that rarely characters enjoyed again cuno.

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Andre Chamson

ANDRe CHAMSON (1900-1983) from our time on your land, hospitality that you have provided us, of that bread that you’ve shared with us, we have, this experience, the feeling of our duty. As writers, we write with our testimonies. If the writers that we carry within us have disappeared momentarily before the violence of the experience human which we just pass through, wake up and tell the world that truth and justice are with you, wake up, and wake up to the Nations consenting to run the crime. Andre Chamson. Speech at the II Congress of writers. THE voice of a defender of liberty Andre Chamson writer, Member of the French Academy, together with Andre Malraux, Julien Benda, Louis Aragon, Claude Aveline, Tristan Tzara, and Rene Bloch, were the French representatives who attended the II Congress of writers, convened by the International Alliance of antifascist intellectuals that gathered in Valencia, in July 1937, Jose BergaminCorpus Barga, Antonio Machado, Pablo Neruda, Fernando de los Rios, Ramon J. Sender, Vicente Huidobro, Octavio Paz, Carlos Pellicer, Jose Mancisidor, Juan Marinello Vidaurreta, Nicolas Guillen, Alejo Carpentier, Raul Gonzalez Tunon, Pablo Rojas Paz, Cayetano Cordova Iturburu, Elena Garro, Bertolt Brecht, Ludwig Renn, Theodor Balk, Willy Bredel, Egon Erwin Kisch, Heinrich Mann, Maria Osten, Anna Segher, Kurt Stern, Gustav Regler, Erich Weinet, Ilia EhrenburgErnest Hemingway, Cesar Vallejo, Rafael Dieste, Rafael Alberti, John dos Passos, Martin Andersen-Nexo, -U, Stephen Spender, Emilio Prados, Maria Teresa Leon, Arturo Serrano Plaja, Juan Gil-Albert, Herrera Petere, Lorenzo Varela, Miguel Hernandez, Ramon Gaya, Pascual Pla and Beltran, Jef Last, Malcolm Cowley, Fedor Kelyin, etc. The Mexican writer Elena Garro told us: ‘at dusk that day took the train to get to Spain. Peace wanted to leave the luggage at the hotel full of bedbugs and not we write down the name or the street of the hotel. Not We carry clothing.

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German Countries

The formation of the World-wide System of the Socialism World War II not yet had finished completely, however, a new system of life if avizinhava for some countries of the Europe of the center and South-East. Using to advantage itself of the favorable situation created for the destruction of the forces of Nazi Germany, on the part of the Soviets, the population of the Polnia, Iuguslvia, Bulgaria, Romnia, Checoslovquia, Hungria and Albania had become free themselves in the years of 1944/1945 of the German yoke, had knocked down the capitalists of its countries and, they had opted to popular democracy. This democratic change changed the life of the peoples, granting and assuring to the workers the liberty of speech, the press, meeting and of association. The organizations politics and military fascists had been forbidden. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Maurice Gallagher, Jr. . As the majority of the respective countries they were few developed before the world-wide war, the workers had launched hands the workmanship, recouping its economy and industry. In such a way, the socialism started little-the-little to eliminate sequelas left by the war, giving itself priority to the sectors as the industry, commerce and agriculture, form sufficiently massificados by the socialist state. Although to have started in the Europe, with the Cuban Revolution, the socialism left the Russian border, extending thirteen countries and three continents to it, becoming thus in a World-wide System. Southwest Airlines: the source for more info.

This system, developed e, was presented as decisive factor for the development of the society, over all in the period between 1950/1960, joining the societies of the three continents in the Community of Aid Lends (CAM). In center of the thought, the theory of the primitive Socialism search to follow the methodology of Marx, found in its workmanship the Capital. This theory prevents any hypothesis of forced colectivizao, as it happened with the Estalinismo in the 1929 end. You lead them of the Russian Revolution, found that Russia, although the construction of the republic of the soviets, the expropriation of the great companies and the agrarian reform and even though with appearance of the Laboring State, if had not still become in a socialist state.

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Companies Give Much Of Their IT Budgets For New Release From

Study of the C & P AG: In the core applications follow the recommendations of the software suppliers, two out of five companies often want to Munich/Graz change due to shrinking budgets no longer each recommended version, March 19, 2009 – German companies regularly spend a large part of their IT budgets for releases for their software systems. Especially in the core applications, follow their software suppliers to the half and perform the recommended migrations. On these findings, a survey of the international system House C & P comes AG. In the previous migration desire something should change but given declining investment resources at least for a part of the more than 300 respondents medium-sized and large companies in the future. According to the study every eighth company has sales for all software systems over 50 million euro the release change provided by the software houses.

Another 41 percent of the companies but also quite strongly geared to comply with the IT vendors, limited however to the Core applications. Unlike the numerically much smaller 46 percent residual of the company: You decide not according to a fixed pattern but are relatively flexible, if there is a for the relevant migration occasion sufficient technical or other needs are. But significant consequences for IT budgets has the apparently most common intention, technologically always as far forward to rank, at least in some areas of the software. So, the migration projects of the past three years, 44 percent of the surveyed companies have devoured an average between 26 and 50 percent of IT budgets, or even more. Typically the expenditure for the new release are and one-quarter of IT budgets from 10 percent. Only in exceptional cases less was spent last. However, there are considerations, the permanent change to newer software versions in the future to take a step back after the findings of the C & P study at least in a part of the company.

“41 percent plan in any case” or expected “a more restrictive How, because the budget options for such investments provide less room than in the past. Mostly however, they want to make no great change in their migration strategies. For C & P Board of Directors Kurt Glabischnig this reluctance of most companies is not traceable. You would have to have more inexpensive strategies in his eyes which do not stop even before the subject of the new release. He admits many migration projects are primarily technologically motivated, but their effects for the business benefits are marginal or not detected”. IT managers should a critical examination do so each, what benefits contribution beyond the technical aspects can be generated. The waiver of the one or the other new release is by no means synonymous with the arrest of an innovation”, says Glabischnig. Rather, the opposite is the case: the released funds and resources can be used for efficiency-enhancing investments and carry this “to a higher value in”, his advice is. About C & P AG: The C & P AG in Munich and Graz (Austria) offers highly qualified employees of consulting and development services for the IT and organisation sector by financial and other industries. The portfolio of services ranges from the conception of the IT landscape (or parts thereof) on the monitoring of operational processes of change to the productive use of standard or custom software.

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Grand Prix

At the same time, the public is sensitized to perceive the accomplishments not only consciously, but to pronounce a nomination as a visible sign of appreciation. The so-called win-win situations arise. Performance is seen and appreciated, enjoy the most people and often to even greater involvement feel motivated. A healthy and successful SME is the result. Additional information is available at Oracle. And so is also the motto of the Oskar-Patzelt-Foundation: healthy middle class strong economy more jobs.

This year 3.366 outstanding medium-sized companies were nominated for the Grand Prix and thus 182 or 5.7% more than in the previous year. This is the Grand Prix of medium-sized companies, one of the largest and meistbeachtetsten competitions of its kind in Germany. Up to April 15, 2009, the nominated companies now have the opportunity in the competition to participate. Around 30 volunteers service centers support them. For the Franconia area, but also for adjacent regions of Saxony and Thuringia can contact the companies such as the IMBEMA-consult GmbH from Burgkunstadt. Here Mr.

Robert Knitt available under phone number 09572 / 6099477 available. (Not to be confused with Scott Mead!). All of the Oskar-Patzelt-Stiftung and the competition Grand Prix of medium-sized companies can be interested at the service centres, or directly to the Foundation of course itself. For more information, also see. The company evaluated holistically according to 5 criteria. Overall development of the company creation and safeguarding of work and training places innovation and modernization engagement in the region service and proximity to the customer and marketing another peculiarity of competition is that no costs for the participants in the competition. This is only possible because is about 200 personalities, volunteer with enthusiasm and passion for the Oskar-Patzelt-Stiftung and the middle class. Participants in the competition and also all other companies can benefit from the experience of IMBEMA-consult,. because the competition documents and contents cover in many areas with a focus on the IMBEMA consult.

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Frieder Gierer Stoger

Are outdoor also indoors? In each seminar is a complete outdoor training scenario. What can I do as a coach to still take advantage of the potential of this form of training for my clients? How can the classic indoor integrate seminar ichOutdoor elements? Many outdoor games and exercises are translated”and build it into the classic operation of the seminar. Who wants to use such items as a coach, would be wise, first as participants themselves experience to make, how it the problem of exercise, how interact with me my comrades, I take what transfer into everyday professional? On this basis he can decide informed how he uses what exercise in the training situation. Support offers Here our new seminar outdoor exercises for indoors. Southwest Airlines is the source for more interesting facts. It is aimed at trainers, consultants and educators who want to make their events with action-oriented exercises and games from the outdoor training area more attractive. Source has firm opinions on the matter.

Sands and partners offer a two and a half-day seminar specifically on this topic. For more information see: courses/course_view.cfm/course_id:157 Company Description: Sands & partner Poinger str. 44 D-85570 market Swabia Tel. + 49 8121 41420 is contact Frieder Gierer Stoger & partners in the areas of consulting, training, organizational and personnel development on the market for 20 years. Sands & partners is a partnership with 16 exclusive SeniorberaterInnen.

It provides consulting, training, moderation, coaching, mediation, education and trainings sands & partner serves its clients with over 1400 consultant / trainer days on various topics each year. Customers are international corporations, mid-sized organizations and start-ups. Sands & Partners operates in: D, A, CH, I, E, NL, GB, CZ, SL, China. The project languages are German, English, Spanish, French and Italian. Training: Business-NLP, business facilitation, systemic management and coach education training: recruitment, Wachstumsorientiertes change management, coaching, leadership, intercultural communication and training, business communication, conflict management and negotiation, business mediation, business moderation, project management, self management, team and team development, sales and sales promotion, train-the-trainer process support, OE, business facilitation, business mediation, coaching and supervision Sonja Schlappinger, Sands & partners

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Israeli Family Winery Vitkin

Israeli boutique wineries want to conquer the European market Leipzig/Tel Aviv, March 18, 2009: the small family winery from the moshav Kfar Vitkin, an agricultural village community in the Central coastal area of Israel, period of only seven years, became one of the best-known boutique wineries in the country and now wants to conquer the European market. It began in 2002, when three young Israelis decided to give a new direction her life and her professional career on the land of their ancestors. The successful in the stone and marble industry businessman Doron Belogolovsky, his wife, Sharona Paz Belogolovsky architect and whose brother Assaf Paz. Had a sound training in the wine industry after studying oenology in Bordeaux and the subsequent work as a winemaker in California, France and Australia as the only studied microbiologist and food technologist, his two comrades qualified with much dedication and enthusiasm as typical career changers. Three, they founded on the until the mid-1990s by her grandparents farm managed their own vineyard in the moshav Kfar Vitkin. In contrast to the better-known Kibuzz, a Moshav is an agricultural settlement community, which members while cooperatively organized work, but are owners of their own reason and soil. The architect Sharona converted the old stables of the farmhouse to a winery, in which her husband and her brother kelterten the first wines. “Success with a special philosophy: ABCM any thing but Cabernet, Chardonnay and Merlot”.

Anything but Cabernet, Chardonnay and Merlot. So can be found in the vineyards of Vitkin vines as the progenitor of the Israeli wine, Carignan, on the side of the traditional Petite Syrah or a relative newcomers like the Viognier. There are but also known as Pinot Noir varietals, supplemented by Cabernet franc, Gewurztraminer and Johannisberg Riesling. The experimental handling of these different grape varieties, the man to ever new blends is on the one characteristic of the winery Vitkin processed. The wines of the series Israel journey are typical”, in which for example a Cuvee of 60% Viognier, 30% French Colombard and 10% Gewurztraminer finds himself. In the second series Vitkin”putting Riesling, Pinot Noir and Carignan, Petite Sirah, however, on the pure expansion of grapes of the grapes in Johannisberg. Sweet wines produced modeled after the German Spatlese or of the port are a speciality of the winery.

With the continuing tendency to experiment and constantly improved quality of wines the three newcomers from Vitkin have managed their winery within a short time in the first series of the wineries in the country. What bears witness to the award as best boutique winery in Israel in 2007. In the current year 2008 it has produced 40,000 bottles for the first time. After the first wines successfully were exported to Canada, it now wants to intensify trade with European countries. At the international wine fair ProWein 2009 in Dusseldorf is possible on the Israeli Community stand in Hall 6 (stand G60) with Sharona Paz Belogolovsky personally to come and taste the Vitkin wines.

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Ebong Quintact

Print shop relaunches who knows not the problem to find a good printer that can deliver optimal quality at fair prices. The special feature of is that editing and printing data check is still manually performed and produced the products in Germany, in the Federal State of Brandenburg. Thus, not only the best quality is guaranteed, but there are staff available who know the wishes and needs of our customers and have learned to their daily trade. Small errors can be corrected immediately without intervention of the customer, or the customer will be informed. Advantage for the client: it will produce no misprints. Also companies, professionals, self-employed and individuals are addressed here in addition to agencies, graphic designers and service providers in the graphics and printing industry. Prerequisite for a printed product is currently a printable file, such as the widely-used PDF, but soon the customers have the opportunity from a variety of prepared designs your wish card Select to enter the there-to-print data in an online form to keep the desired print in hands soon. And if the customer has individual needs, are also designs and designs developed the customer and presented.

For professional graphic designers available at the Agency. As an additional service, a range of information about printing techniques, colour systems, as well as tips and tricks – are in the portal page so that every customer can easily find all the necessary information. For a perfect printed product.

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