What I really want Is a machine that converts all my dreams into reality. Therefore what you have to offer to me it does not pass of lies and chances. Its beauty is cursed and nobody never if of the account of this, its light is a plague that makes with that all are in the ignorance of the greed. We go, is arisen I go to take it even so, stops far from everything this. It forgets what you lost There under, You finished to take off this weight of the coasts Is alone to leave it and to fly far for Poetry? It is not to hear its voice in my mind Investigating enxertando images and desires.

She looks at as they run, as they look at stop backwards seeing what its eyes had left stop backwards, and still thus they cry. I have! We go, I arise myself I want to take it even so I stop far from everything this, and what he is yours that you lost I leave it now There under. You finished to take off it of coasts and this gives to fly for far. Problems with the life? Who does not have! It sees what it has to be stops backwards, certain chances. It is arisen and we go Acceptance even so my Estufe arc its chest pra it are It is prepared already arrived the hour. still thus they cry.