ASSISTANCE NATIVE DAILY PAY Between the programs or programmatical actions in health, the prenatal assistance has busy a space historically excellent in the attention to the health of the population it comes being one of the first ones to be developed with a perspective of public health (OAK; NOVAES, 2004). As Silveira and Santos (2004), the prenatal care understands a set of activities in the course of the pregnancy that in such a way require time and other investments on the part of the woman, as of professionals and of organizations that if they dedicate to it offers of this care. The prenatal attention is used as a good pointer of practical, as well as a measure of quality of clinical cares and public health. According to Brazil, (1994), the prenatal one is the attendance in directed health the gestante and that when carried through completely the pregnancy for the gestante considered without risks must at least have five consultations during all. The prenatal one is initiated when the woman looks a health service to confirm the pregnancy suspicion, after the confirmation through the accomplishment of the B-HCG (gonadotrofina corinica human being), the next step the detailed history of the patient with general, familiar and personal antecedents is spoon. When looking for the professional to initiate the native daily pay, the woman meets on impact of the pregnancy diagnosis and brings obtains relative doubts and decisions to the gestation. At this moment he fits to the professional to recognize the normal state of ambivalence in relation to the pregnancy, to receive doubts of the gestante and to guide it how much to its new paper, to understand the context in which this pregnancy occurs. The prenatal assistance is the first step for the experience of the gestation, childbirth and healthful and humanizado birth. All the women have the constitucional law to have access to prenatal and the information on what it is occurring with its body, in this period of its life (CAVALCANTE, 1999).