Should closely monitor changes in domestic factors. Properly properly analyze the situation and the ongoing search for ways to improve the Internet project. In turn, domestic factors pose key questions: What is an online project at the time of development? What resources are available? What is necessary to achieve the goal? What are the ways to achieve the result? What should conduct research to improve the business – the site? It is vital, as detailed as possible and accurately to answer questions. The responses received provide a targeted promotion of a business site on the market. With the help of a marketing strategy is winning market share and increase sales. 7.Proizvodstvenny plan. The production activities of the company shows all the problems associated with the organization of production.
As provided by section reflected a description of all the resources necessary for the formation of a business site. Here should provide guidance to all production processes related to the proposed Internet business. It is important to show the process of movement of raw materials, components, products, what, where and how it will move to the income sale. Production Plan includes detailed information on suppliers of products and materials, as well as indicate whether you want a room for storage. In turn, it should be noted, what equipment is needed and how will use of resources and materials. The underlying factor is the description of the criteria for evaluating the quality of products (services). Should include all costs associated with manufacturing and what time period required for production.