Distributing flyers is a very popular variation of advertising. A flyer is an information sheet for potential customers to express on the one hand, the existence of a new business can be, but to draw attention to offers of incumbent firms. Flyers will be happy for advertising purposes, but also for invitations and information on events happening (concerts, political events, etc.). Flyers are also popular because they draw in a few words on the essentials and to highlight the most important. Even the image or graphics should appeal to the viewer and cast a spell or draw attention to what was offered. Flyers are also relatively inexpensive to manufacture compared to catalogs and brochures, are therefore also usually printed in large numbers and distributed. Flyers are also great for letterbox. There is no pizzeria that does not have a separate flyer, on which it advertises its offer. Otherwise it would hardly be possible, since the customer then can choose from home, what he would like to orderand what is there to choose from. But other companies use flyers. Whether it’s the electronics store that advertises with flyers for his current special offer, or the tanning salon, which gives its new opening times known. Both for customers and for companies such advertising is incredibly handy. On the one achieved with a post Wurfsendung many households, the other one would have as a company may be much more questions that agree with a flyer himself. Everyone wants to make the attention to himself, therefore, is thus well advised to use as a flyer advertising media.