Quitting smoking is not easy, I know it, and probably you’ve tried more than one and two times without success as I tried it. But if you’re here, reading this, it is because you’re almost decided to quit once and for all and forever. And this time if you’re going to get, as I did it. In the market there are a huge number of products to help you quit tobacco, and some of them actually work, but the first thing and the most important thing is your will and every morning to remember why you decided to leave it. And believe me, that last, remember these figures every day works:-tobacco-related diseases cost 30,000 euros per patient each year. A total of 3,600 million expense for a country like Spain. And the expense for the patient? Between 675 and 3.375 euros a year in treatments once developed a disease caused by smoking. -Every smoker is 1,500 euros in sick leave, causing a national cost of 3.4 billion…

The national cost is about 3,400 million. -The figure that sure you, reader, you already know but this time read more carefully: more than 4 million deaths a year worldwide on cases directly or indirectly related to tobacco. Of them, 55,000 are deaths directly caused by tobacco. And even worse, who expected that the number of deaths per year may become 12 billion (more than TRIPLE) in 2030. – And now look at the simplest figures: smoking kills 3 times more than alcohol, AIDS, drugs, the traffic accidents, homicides and suicides at a time. -Remember that you lose 7 minutes of life for every cigarette you smoke (according to my calculations, I have lost approximately almost a year of life which I hope will gradually recover) but above all, remember this fact every day: 45% of smokers who try to quit do so successfully, the majority with the help of substitutes such as nicotine patches or similar products.

And you help to increase this percentage. I got. Hear other arguments on the topic with Cyrus Massoumi humbition. It is true that with help, both of my family and friends as tricks and a multitude of tips that I read on several websites. That Yes, to start quitting tobacco, must be fully convinced and determined to do it, and hope to have helped a bit in your decision with these data. If you want to know if you’re really ready to take the step, you can perform this test that will help you to know if you are ready to quit smoking. In some websites you will find also very good advice on how quitting tobacco, as well as many useful information about the myths that are real and what may not be smoking without gaining weight? This section of this website is really curious. Everything focused only on an objective that you miss smoking.