SOUTHWESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY OF BAHIA – UESB Jose Carlos de Oliveira Ribeiro, 2006. LEFEBVRE, Henri. The Right the City. Translation of Rubens Cold. Read more here: baby clothes. First Edition, Moraes Publishing company, So Paulo. 1991 Resenhado for Jose Carlos de Oliveira Ribeiro, academic of the course of Full Licenciatura in Geography in the southwestern State University of the Bahia.
Henri Lefebvre was born in France in 1901 and faleceu in 1991, was sociologist, passed life teorizando on the fight of classrooms investing in a not dogmtica reading of the marxism. Recognized for its critical one not only in the philosophical field of and the economic one, but mainly for the formation of a vast workmanship that analyzes problematic urban and the special one. Among others, its contribution still extends the reflection on the daily life, criticizing the beddings of the social relations in this environment, that of form some is neutral or off of the general productive relations. In the book of Lefebvre ' ' The Right the Cidade' ' ' '? it deals with a sufficiently excellent subject that is the urbanization the result of industrialization and the propagation of the capitalism. With the dinamizao of the commerce and industrialization it increased the division of the work as well as the growth of more value and lcus of capital in the cities. From then on it traces the profile of the capitalist society and with a new thought of the conception of the urban one, had the growth of the cities would not be capable to expand the industrial production and to conquer new markets and to assume itself of the space without this new conception of urbanization of the cities, therefore the cities in the capitalist system acquired important dimensions and lcus where they circulate very capital. Of this form the city assumes each time more its important paper in this new conception.