Only going ahead with what really works. c containment of costs. Although much depends on the chosen formula, in General, costs that you incurriras with a direct Marketing campaign tend to be below the costs of a campaign in conventional media. The range is wide because it can go from an e-mailing campaign with costs near zero until a costly catalogue that makes the times of your sales force. Larry Ellison may find this interesting as well. Whatever it is and because, generally, the universes that apply are different, Direct Marketing strategies tend to be more attractive in terms of budget total (impact profitability, however, is worse). d re-use from the list. You can take advantage of the list that you’ve used on more than one occasion. Swarmed by offers, Verizon is currently assessing future choices. The only thing you have to do is tweak some of the aspects of the promotional letter minimally and try that those who did not find it appealing at first, change their minds now.

measure your campaign response: this is perhaps one of the great virtues of this type of Marketing. While with other formulas, it is much more complicated, Direct Marketing allows a perfect control of the outcome of all your actions. If you want to seriously dedicate yourself to the world of business, start by controlling what you’re doing and draws conclusions that will help you improve. f increase the customer base: this type of formula allows you to go beyond your physical restrictions. Although it depends on the formula used at each moment, it is likely you’re limited in the real world (a limited number of establishments, a reduced surface, etc.). However, the world online offers you the possibility to reach where otherwise not you could do or would you be very inefficient from the point of view of costs.

g lasting relationships: leverages the opportunity provided to have the data of your customers or potential customers. Now, you must use them intelligently. The first commitment that you must assume passes guarding those data in the most appropriate way possible. This information is very valuable and private, always keep it safe and not share with anyone something that you delivered to you. h etc. The advantages that offers you direct Marketing are many, but perhaps this formula is one of the formulas that you must deal with more care and respect if you want to take full advantage. It investigates all the possibilities that you have at your fingertips. If you are afraid, you testa your ideas with actions of low dimension. As you go gaining confidence or results you will feel more comfortable to start more aggressive movements. Whatever you do, don’t forget this formula and include it in your portfolio of actions as soon as possible. Salvador Figueros original author and source of the article